TitoloFormatoArea di interesseLinguaPubblicoFornitoreSolution AreaData
Unlocking Benefits: Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program and Partner Technical ConsultantsOn-Demand Artificial Intelligence Analytics Azure Arc Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-11-26
Azure CSP Motion IncentiveOn-Demand Analytics Artificial Intelligence Azure Arc Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure 2024-11-21
Sfruttare i vantaggi ibridi con Azure Stack HCIOn-Demand Azure Stack Microsoft Azure Windows Server Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2023-03-23
Azure Stack HCIOnline Azure Stack Windows Server Microsoft Azure Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2023-01-19
Introduzione ad Azure Stack HCIOn-Demand Azure Stack Microsoft Azure Windows Server Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2023-01-19
Gli economics del Cloud: come calcolare correttamente il TCOOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-11-15
Scenari tecnologici e di pricing per fare evolvere il business SPLAOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Tecnico Vendite Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-11-08
Il business SPLA del futuroOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-10-25
Hosters' BootcampOnline Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Tecnico Vendite Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-10-25
Use it More, Sell it BetterOnline Microsoft Azure Cloud Native Apps With AI- Kubernetes- Cosmos DB/PostgreSQL Italiano Tecnico Vendite Microsoft Cross Solution 2022-10-25
Azure Infrastructure GTM Investments, Programs and IncentivesLearning Path Microsoft Fabric SQL Server Windows Server Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2022-04-05
New Commerce Updates: What’s new in Azure Plan and timelines for Open License to CSP transitionOn-Demand Artificial Intelligence Adoption & Change Management Inglese Vendite Microsoft Cross Solution 2021-06-09
Kubernetes Journey – Session 5 – Da Visual Studio 2019 a Azure Kubernetes Service con un sistema di orchestrazioneOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation 2021-04-27
Security Sailing 3 - Protect device with Microsoft Defender for EndpointOn-Demand Azure Stack Analytics Artificial Intelligence Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-04-01
Security Sailing 3 - Protect identity with Microsoft Defender for Identity and Microsoft CASBOn-Demand Azure Stack Analytics Artificial Intelligence Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2021-03-25
Security Sailing 3 - Manage Enteprise Applications in Azure Active DirectoryOn-Demand Azure Stack Analytics Artificial Intelligence Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution 2021-03-18
Academyadi 2021 - Azure - Migration on Azure – Infrastructure (3/7)On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2021-03-12
Kubernetes Journey – Session 4 – Facilitare il deploy di microservizi grazie all'Api Management di AzureOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation 2021-03-05
Academyadi 2021 - Azure - Azure Remote Working (2/7)On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2021-02-12
Academyadi 2021 - Azure - Azure da 0 a 100 (1/7)On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2021-02-03
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Journey - Session 2 - Introduzione ad Azure Site RecoveryOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-12-23
Kubernetes Journey - Session 3 - Kubernetes, uno, due… tre container ed oltreOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation 2020-12-22
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Journey - Session 1 - Azure Backup - Soluzioni a confrontoOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-12-16
Kubernetes Journey - Session 2 - Container,Docker….non piu' visualizzazioneOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation 2020-12-15
OSS Migration Journey - Session 2: Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for MariaDB and Azure Database for PostgreSQLOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-12-10
Kubernetes Journey - Session 1 - Introduzione ai Container & OrchestrazioneOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation 2020-12-09
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Journey - Session 1 - Azure AI & Azure Machine Learning Service IntroductionOn-Demand Artificial Intelligence Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Data & AI 2020-11-20
Security Sailing 2: Azure File (authentication, authorization and sync)On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-11-19
Modernize .NET Apps with App Service, Azure SQL DB Journey - Session 3On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation 2020-11-17
IOT Journey Main PageOnline Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Digital And Application Innovation 2020-11-11
Power BI Embedded Journey - Session 1On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Business Applications 2020-11-06
Security Sailing 2: Manage Apple Device with Microsoft Endpoint ManagerOn-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Compliance Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-10-15
VMWare on Azure Journey - Session 1On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-10-08
Data & AI-Synapse Journey- Introduction to Synapse Studio & AnalyticsOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Data & AI 2020-10-07
Security Sailing 2: Manage Windows 10 Device with Microsoft Endpoint ManagerOn-Demand Microsoft 365 Security Compliance Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-10-01
Windows Virtual Desktop - Introduzione (Settembre 2020)On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-09-15
Microsoft 365 Business Voice - Il sistema telefonico progettato per Microsoft 365On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Modern Work 2020-07-30
Introduzione al Microsoft Cloud Adoption FrameworkOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-07-22
Security Sailing - 6th Session - Implement Network SecurityOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-06-12
Security Sailing - 5th Session - Implementing Security in M365 Teamworks ToolsOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-06-05
Security Sailing - 4th Session - Cloud App SecurityOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-05-29
Security Sailing - 3rd Session - Advanced Threat ProtectionOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-05-22
Security Sailing - 2nd Session - Identity and Access Management (Advanced)On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-05-15
Blockchain Takeover - Session 1 - Intro - Blockchain FundamentalsOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure 2020-05-13
Security Sailing - 1st Session - Identity and Access Management (Basic)On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security 2020-05-08
Demo e ScenariLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Training path Friday with Data&FriendLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Data & AI
Quoting Azure IaaS projects – From Zero to Hero - Second SessionOn-Demand Analytics Artificial Intelligence Azure Stack Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Manage Cognitive Services - Azure Academy parte 2On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Data & AI
Manage Cognitive Services - Azure Academy parte 1On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Data & AI
Manage Cognitive Services - PresentazioneOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Data & AI
Presentazione Data & AI Flex - Session 2Download Artificial Intelligence Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Data & AI
Presentazione Data & AI Flex - Session 1Download Artificial Intelligence Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Data & AI
Presentazione Blockchain Takeover 1Download Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Presentazione-Security Sailing – 5th Session – Implementing Security in M365 Teamworks ToolsDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security
Presentazione-Security Sailing – 6th Session – Implementing Security in M365 Teamworks ToolsDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security
Presentazione-Security Sailing – 8th Session – Implementing Security in M365 Teamworks ToolsDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Security
Presentazione-Security Sailing – 7th SessionDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Presentazione-Security Sailing – 9th SessionDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Presentazione-Security Sailing – 10th SessionDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Introduzione CAF - Presentazione webinarDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Cloud Adoption FrameworkOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Cloud Adoption Framework- Strategy Plan Ready WorkshopOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Cloud Adoption Framework- Governance WorkshopOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Cloud Adoption Framework Learning PathLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Firstline Workers in a Day - Parte 1On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Modern Work
Benchmark su applicazioni grafiche intensiveOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Dashboard - Azure Virtual Desktop as a ServiceDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Video Demo - Windows Virtual Desktop as a ServiceOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Azure Backup - Overview TecnicaOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Azure Backup - Calcolo CostiOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Azure Backup OnepagerDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Backup and Disaster Recovery TeleguideDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Infrastructure
Enable Business Continuity OnepagerDownload Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution
Selling Azure to the Business Decision MakersLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
The new way of selling Azure MigrateOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Asses the viability to migrate a Microsoft Dynamics customer to Dynamics 365On-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Microsoft Business Applications
The Cloud JourneyOn-Demand Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Rivendere AzureLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Italiano Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
MSP Journey – DCM Enablement programOnline Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure Inglese Vendite Microsoft Business Applications
Portfolio assessment & Optimization – Alinea PartnersLearning Path Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Portfolio Assessment & Optimization – Alinea Partners Module 1: Introduction, The Azure Portfolio JourneyOn-Demand Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Portfolio Assessment & Optimization – Alinea Partners Module 2: The Importance of a Strong PortfolioOn-Demand Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Portfolio Assessment & Optimization – Alinea Partners Module 4: Implementing your Portfolio StrategyOn-Demand Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Portfolio Assessment & Optimization – Alinea Partners Module 3: Create a Winning PortfolioOn-Demand Azure Arc Azure Stack Microsoft Azure Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Microsoft Surface Sales & Marketing resources - Surface Holiday ProductsLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Microsoft Surface Sales & Marketing resources - Hybrid WorkplaceLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Microsoft Surface Sales & Marketing resources - Modernize EndpointsLearning Path Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Analytics Inglese Vendite Microsoft Infrastructure
Grow your business with Microsoft Cloud Partner ProgramOn-Demand MCPP Adoption & Change Management Analytics Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution
Microsoft Cloud Partner Program for Business ApplicationsOn-Demand Adoption & Change Management Analytics Artificial Intelligence Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution
Navigating the requirements of the Microsoft Cloud Partner ProgramOn-Demand MCPP Adoption & Change Management Analytics Inglese Vendite Tecnico Microsoft Cross Solution
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